CY01 Start Planning the Party of Your Life

  5/7/2024 - 5/21/2024
  5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
  Hayshire Elementary:Art Room

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Start Planning the Party of Your Life

Let's Put the "F-U-N" Back in Funeral!  Who better to tell your own story and plan the party of your life...but YOU!  As a Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant, this course will not be fearful or morbid. Referring to The Party of Your Life  by Erika Dillman, real-life humorous stories wil be shared as you let your creative juices flow.

So grab a pencil and decide how you want your life story to be told!

Instructor: Donna M. Hoffman, M. Ed

A Journey Remembered - Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant

As a Life-Cycle Celebrant, Donna is a professional officiant trained in the history of rituals, ceremonies, beliefs, and cultures. She is a graduate of the Celebration Foundation & Institute in New Jersey, with a certificate in Funeral Celebrancy. Donna is the Life-Cycle Celebrant for the Beck Funeral Homes.

Location: Hayshire Elementary School, Art Room

Sessions: 3 Sessions

Tuesdays: May 7, 14, 21

Time: 5:30 - 7:00 PM

Cost: $72/person, 3-week session